Online Profiles and Codes

1. How Do I Create an Account?

To Create an Account, click on Register at the top right hand corner of this page. Enter your email address for your username and create a unique password. You have created an account and will be able to navigate the site and make purchases.

2. How to purchase an online profile?

To purchase an online profile click on Products at the top of the page, then click on "Online Profiles". Select the type of profile you want to purchase, i.e. DISC, Spiritual Gifts and DISC , or Spiritual Gifts Only and click there. Once you have located the profile you wish to purchase, click on Add to Cart. If you wish to purchase more than on profilee, then adjust the qty. and update cart. If you wish to order assorted profiles, continue shopping and add to cart. Once you have completed shopping, Click on Checkout at the bottom of your cart. Enter your billing address and information, and click on Submit. Review your order and click on Submit again.

Note: When you are checking out, if it charges you shipping and handling, you have ordered a paper resource and not an online profile. If you were wanting an online profile, remove the item(s) from your cart and click on Products at the top of the page, then click on Online Profiles and select your choice.

3. Once I've purchased an online profile, where can I locate it?

Click on "My Account" at the top right hand corner of the webpage. Simply click on the green "Begin Questionnaire" to begin your profile.

4. What is a code?

A 12 digit code is to the left of each profile you order. The codes are used for distribution purposes. For example. If you have a friend or colleague that you would like to take an online profile, follow instructions from #5 below. They would then “Activate” the code in their account. You will be able to review their results after they have completed the profile.

Note: In order to have the person's name that is taking the profile on their report, they must have their own account and profile. ie. A husband purchases two profiles, one for him and one for his wife. In order for his wife to complete the profile and have her name on the report, the wife should follow the instructions below, under "6. What instructions can I give people to take a profile that I have purchased for them?" in order to complete the report. Without her creating her own account and completing the questionnaire in her husband's account, both profiles will be assigned to the husband and have his name on the completed reports.

5. How can I email a code and instructions from my account to someone?

How to Download a PDF of a Report:

6. What instructions do I give people to take a profile that I have purchased for them?

We recommend you copy and paste the 12 digit code along with the instructions below, and send them in an email to that person:

How to Take the Assessment:

How to Download a PDF of your Report:

7. Code instructions to send clients to your Coaches page to complete a profile.

We recommend you copy and paste the 12 digit code along with the instructions below, and send them in an email to that person:


  1. Go to enter your page url here and Enter your unique code
  2. Confirm it. Your code is now activated.
  3. Your username is your email address, create a unique password. Be sure to enter your First and Last name.
  4. Submit

How to Take the Assessment:

  1. Click the "Begin Questionnaire" status to the right of the profile name.
  2. Complete the profile.
  3. NOTE** When you start the personality profile, answer only two, one most and one least, for each four statements.

How to Download a PDF of your Report:

  1. Put a check in the grey square to the left of your completed profile.
  2. Under your profile list at the bottom, you'll see a green “Actions” button. Click there and
  3. Click the 1st tab "Download Report”, select the format you would like to download, click and download.

8. How do I assign a code to my account?

9. What are the 4 different Spiritual Gifts lists?

(Romans 12)

  • Administration / Ruling
  • Encouraging / Exhorting
  • Giving
  • Serving / Ministry
  • Showing Mercy
  • Prophecy / Perceiving
  • Teaching

(Romans 12 & Ephesians 4)

  • Administration / Ruling
  • Encouraging / Exhorting
  • Evangelism
  • Giving
  • Serving / Ministry
  • Showing Mercy
  • Pastor / Shepherding
  • Prophecy / Perceiving
  • Teaching

(Romans 12, Ephesians 4
& 1 Corinthians 12)

  • Administration / Ruling
  • Apostleship / Pioneering
  • Discernment
  • Encouraging / Exhorting
  • Evangelism
  • Faith
  • Giving
  • Hospitality
  • Knowledge
  • Leadership
  • Pastor / Shepherding
  • Prophecy / Perceiving
  • Teaching
  • Serving / Ministry
  • Showing Mercy
  • Wisdom

(Romans 12, Ephesians 4
& 1 and 1 Corinthians 12)

  • Administration / Ruling
  • Apostleship / Pioneering
  • Craftsmanship
  • Creative Communication
  • Discernment
  • Encouraging / Exhorting
  • Evangelism
  • Faith
  • Giving
  • Healing
  • Hospitality
  • Intercession
  • Interpretation
  • Knowledge
  • Leadership
  • Miracles
  • Pastor / Shepherding
  • Prophecy / Perceiving
  • Teaching
  • Tongues
  • Serving / Ministry
  • Showing Mercy
  • Wisdom

10. Are there any quantity discounts?

Quantity Discounts Available:

11. Where can I find the ebook, digital faciltators manual and/or powerpoint I just ordered?

Log into your account, then click on My Account to the left of Logout at the top of the page. From the My Account page, click on Downloads, located on the right side of the blue bar across the top of your account page. You will see the purchased digital resources ordered located there.

12. If I have a Pro Account, can I send multiple codes at once?

Yes, but you will need a .csv file of the email addresses of the people you wish to send the codes to. Go to the green Actions button at the bottom under the assessments. Next, click on the Actions button, then click on Digital Delivery and then upload your .csv file. Once you have uploaded the file, click on Yes and the emails will be sent. This email cannot be edited.

13. If I emailed a code to someone and they never completed it, or started it, can I reassign the code to someone else?

From your My Account page, click in the grey square to the left of the code. At the bottom of the list of assessments is a green Actions button, click there and then click on inactivate code. Then you can reassign the code to someone else.

14. Can I set up an account for someone to help me with distributlng codes, etc?

You must have a Pro Account to access this feature. When you log in to your account, click on Options / Tools in the blue bar near the top, then click on Admin. Under the Pro Account name is a place to add a secondary admin. They will need to already have an account, if they don't then you will need to set one up for them. Enter their email address and then select the groups or all groups they will have access to. Then click submit.

15. How do I download my report?

Log in to your account and click on My Account next to Log out at the top right hand side of page. Then click in the grey square to the left of the pencil that is to the left of your profile. Then click the green Action button at the bottom and you will see Download Report. Click there and select Full Report and you will be able to save it to your computer. You can then open the file you saved and see the results and/or print the report.

16. While taking my online personality questionnaire, it will not keep the answers I put into the Most and Least column. When I put an answer in, it takes out the answer I entered before and I cannot finish.

The questionnaire is divided into sections of 4 statements. Of the 4 statements, choose only ONE statement of the FOUR that describes you the most and answer in the Most column and then choose the ONE statement of the FOUR that describes you the least and put it in the Least column, then move on to the next 4 statements. This means you only answered ONE Most and ONE Least for each 4 statements.

17. Does my online assessment save my progress so that I can finish it at a later time?

Click on Save and Return at the bottom of each page of your survey to save your answers and continue later. Then, when you log back into your account later click on the red Continue Questionnaire button from the My Account Page, and scroll down and click continue until you get to the page you left off at.