Parent's Personality Online Profile
Summarized Version
(Approx. 30 printed page report.)
This profile is designed for a parent or teacher of an elementary age child to complete in the convenience of his or her home or classroom. The computer will score and graph the results instantly for you to review and learn more about your personality type. You may also want to complete the questionnaire on yourself to learn more about "what makes you tick and what ticks you off!" Each profile identifies the person's DISC 4 Personality Types.
- Features
- Introduction
- Historical Background
- How To Read Graphs
- Understanding The Two Graphs in depth
- Interpretation of Four Temperaments
- Discovering Behavioral Blends
- Controlling Your Behavioral Blends
- Practical Application
- Combining Graphs
- Parenting Styles
- Parenting Challenges
- Step-Parenting Challenges
- Child / Parent Reflections
- Challenging Differences
- Intensity Insights
- Leadership Insights
- DISC Learning Styles
- Handling Pressure and Stress
- Discipling / Motivating Children
- Parent’s Action Plan
- Help Your Child Learn How To Control and Conquer Feelings
Receive your report immediately online after completing the questionnaires. With a minimal investment you will receive overwhelming results. Identify your or someone else's personality type with the least amount of effort and expense. Improve your effectiveness and relationships with this short and simple, yet scientific profile.
Parents Personality Online Profile Summarized (Standard)
*Note: This is not a paper profile but an assessment to take online.
Quantity Discounts Available:
50 - 99 - 10% off retail
100 - 199 - 20% off retail
200 or more - 30% off retail