How To Solve The People Puzzle
Personal Insights Only Your Best Friend Would Tell You!
Have you ever wondered, "why did they do that?" Dr. Mels Carbonell's book, "How To Solve The People Puzzle" is a must for everyone who wants to understand why people do what they do.
This book will then help you interpret and apply your results for personal development, more effective leadership, improved relationships, and many in-depth insights about you and others.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Four DISC Personality Types
Chapter 2: Your Personality - Graph 1 "This is expected of me!" Perspective
Chapter 3: Your Personality - Graph 2 "This is me!" Perspective
Chapter 4: When Both Graphs Are Generally The Same or Different
Chapter 5: High Type on Graph 1 and Low Type on Graph 2
Chapter 6: Low Type on Graph 1 and High Type on Graph 2
Chapter 7: How To Handle Problems From A Personality Perspective
Chapter 8: Case Studies and Examples
Chapter 9: Final Word
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